world generates a lot of food waste

The Problem

The world generates a lot of food waste – 1.3 billion tons a year to be exact.* With 40% of that waste coming from restaurants, grocery stores, and food service companies who have traditionally relied on costly and inefficient means of disposal, we figured there had to be a better way.* 

Our Solution

When developing our technology, we looked to nature to guide us. Our on-site aerobic digester utilizes a natural biological process to efficiently break down food waste prior to it being discharged into your normal plumbing infrastructure. ORCA automatically measures and records the amount of food waste digested to facilitate waste reduction in pursuit of LESS FOOD WASTE.

The one-step solution creates no solid byproduct, eliminating the need for additional handling, expensive hauling and saving the carbon emissions generated by heavy and inefficient garbage trucks.

Our Mission

To take every garbage truck off the road

developing our technology

Who We Serve

Food Service

Food Service

  • Convention Centers
  • Office Buildings
  • Catering
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  • Casinos
  • Hotels
  • Resorts
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  • Casual Dining
  • Fine Dining
  • Quick Serve
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Grocery & Retail

Grocery & Retail

  • Food Co-Ops
  • Supermarkets
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Recreation & Events

Recreation & Event

  • Airports
  • Amusement Parks
  • Entertainment Venues
  • Shopping Malls
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  • Cargo Vessels
  • Offshore Rigs
  • Cruise Ships
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Health Care

Health Care

  • Hospitals
  • Assisted Living
  • Rehabilitation Centers
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  • Primary Schools
  • Secondary Schools
  • Post-secondary Institutions
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Don’t Know How Much Food Waste Your Operation Generates?